Sunday, August 10, 2008

More Testing types: Funny

Have you ever done Testing to Obsession?
Well, we did it once and with that particularly long and painful bout of regression testing, we came up with
the list of other types of testing we ‘d like not to see –

Aggression Testing: If this doesn't work, I'm gonna kill somebody.
Compression Testing: [ ]
Confession Testing: Okay, Okay, I did program that bug.
Depression Testing: If this doesn't work, I'm gonna kill myself.
Digression Testing: Well, it works, but can I tell you about my truck...
Expression Testing: #@%^&*!!! a bug.
Obsession Testing: I'll find this bug if it's the last thing I do.
Oppression Testing: Test this now!
Repression Testing: It's not a bug it's a feature.
Suggestion Testing:Well, it works but wouldn't it be better if...